Welcome to Ottawa's newest multidisciplinary sports injuries and rehab clinic. With over 20 years of experience in the field of sports medicine, founder Tony Carbonette brings Ottawa a new and exciting vision.
Nutrition Services
Ottawa’s Premiere Sports Therapy Clinic
“CapitalATR offers excellent therapists; they’re personable, knowledgeable, hands-on and can think outside the box.”
– Duane Smith, Owner, Westboro Chiropractic Clinic
Nutrition Services Ottawa
Many symptoms of imbalance throughout the body can be linked to a sluggish digestive system, poor gut health and stress.
An individualized holistic nutrition protocol of proper diet, supplement and lifestyle recommendations can help restore balance and begin to heal the body from the inside out.
Consider a holistic nutrition consult if you:
- are looking to improve overall diet, need guidance in changing diet (vegetarian, vegan, keto, dairy free, gluten free, etc) and making lifestyle changes
- have frequent food cravings and blood sugar imbalances
- have recurring constipation, bloating and irregular bowel movements
- are experiencing increased weight gain and/or difficulty losing weight, difficulty gaining weight
- wake up with low energy, fatigue, weakness and have reduced athletic performance
- experience frequent mood swings, brain fog, are under constant stress
- have dry hair, brittle nails, acne and problem skin
- are seeing symptoms of unbalanced hormones, reproductive issues, estrogen dominance
Don’t hesitate to book an assessment with one of our therapists now and experience the difference.