Welcome to Ottawa's newest multidisciplinary sports injuries and rehab clinic. With over 20 years of experience in the field of sports medicine, founder Tony Carbonette brings Ottawa a new and exciting vision.
Osteopathy Services
Ottawa’s Premiere Sports Therapy Clinic
“CapitalATR offers excellent therapists; they’re personable, knowledgeable, hands-on and can think outside the box.”
– Duane Smith, Owner, Westboro Chiropractic Clinic
Osteopathy Services Ottawa
What should I expect with an osteopathic treatment?
At the first appointment, usually 60 minutes in length, your health history will be discussed; goals for treatment, postural assessment, and treatment are included. You might even get some homework that requires stretching, supplement suggestions, or exercises. Treatment can be done over loose comfortable clothing. During the treatment I may do some passive range of motion testing and treating of various structures at the same time. You may feel sleepy, or certain movements may cause pain and discomfort, at which time we will need to communicate that it subsides and it goes away. After the treatment you may still feel sleepy or fatigued. If you can, go for a 20-minute walk, or take a nap. You may also feel some discomfort for a day or so, if longer please let me know. The frequency and number of treatments depend on your treatment goals, and what you need to have worked on. The body heals quickly or slowly; depending on how long the issue has been with you, other injuries, daily activities or lack of, etc. It does help me to receive feedback about progression and setbacks so that your treatment session can be tailored to your body.
Don’t hesitate to book an assessment with one of our therapists now and experience the difference.